

Voice-over Internet Protocol and Student Learning – Graduate Student Perception of Learning When VoIP is Used as one Method of Communication, Wright, Bryan, 9783639013481


Courses taught online would benefit when synchronous communication such as voice-over Internet protocol (VoIP) is utilized. Although available for many years, VoIP has not yet been accepted in online course development. Yet research shows student perception of learning increases when instructors use VoIP as one communication tool. The instructor is no longer in nebulous cyberspace as one student phrased it, but is here with me now and I can hear their tone, their voice and it helps me to learn. VoIP sessions can be successful and can promote a high degree of thinking among students. Success depends on the instructor. If they prepare in advance and have questioning protocol to guide the VoIP session students interact at a high thinking level. Online education is still developing best practices concerning instructional strategies Course structure in many online programs or classes are based upon earlier course design. To quote Dede from Harvard, 2002; We pretend to teach while they pretend to learn. Online instructors cannot allow themselves to become complacent and should not pretend to teach just because that is the way online earning has always been done. Dr. Jim Lehmann Education: Ed.D.Walden University. Online Experiences:University of Wisconsin Stout,Walden University,Washington State University. Achievements:President/CEO non-profit Foundation for Center of Research of Whales,2003 Washington State Teacher of the Year Finalist. K-12 Experience: Teacher grades 3rd, 4th and 6th

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