

Writing for Peer Reviewed Journals: Strategies for Getting Published, Butterworth, Brian, 9780415809313


Building on their successful book Helping doctoral students write: pedagogies for supervision the authors here focus on a writing task that is increasingly required of doctoral students and is a necessity for early career researchers and more experienced writers alike. They present a theorized approach to writing combined with strategies designed to assist the writer to move through the various intellectual and practical phases of writing a journal article. Ideal for anyone concerned about getting published: readers are likely to be early career academics or coming from a practice base into higher education. Some however may well be more experienced but still feel in need of further information. This text is multi-disciplinary, with detailed examples reflecting the various groups with whom the authors have worked with in the workshops they have run for writers in universities in several countries– the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and the United States and will the book is illustrated throughout with examples from a wide range of disciplines. The text is lively; using a combination of personal stories, student texts, published texts and extracts from interviews with journal editors and publishers. Written in an accessible style, one which does not use the patronizing ‘you’ of advice books, it offers instead a collegial approach to a task which is difficult for most scholars, regardless of their years of experience. Unlike books already on the market, the authors do not take a “tips and tricks” approach which tends to simplify what is at stake in getting published. They emphasise the identity work that is involved in becoming a published writer- rather than assume it is a straightforward matter of following rules. And they look at struggles – the significant work involved — both textual and emotional. Academic writing is never easy but with the correct strategies it can be made easier.

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